In Sylvan County, Virginia, strange sounds often accompany the coming of darkness.

They drift among the remote and shadowed hills, mountains, and valleys as if with a purpose... cognizant... alive. Like an ominous fugue, this music emanates from portals unknown, weaving a soundtrack for the night itself...a dirge for those who dare to venture into the mysterious and forbidding spheres beyond sound.

This collection of short stories is the definitive Cthulhu Mythos-inspired volume by Stephen Mark of the HarperCollins' Dark Shadows novel, Dreams of the Dark, and such celebrated tales as "Threnody," "The Spheres Beyond Sound," "Misfits," "To Be As They," "Fugue Devil," and many others.

The Last Trumpet
By Stephen Mark Rainey
Publisher: Wildside
Format: Trade paperback, 200 pages
Retail Price: $15.00

ISBN-10: 1-58715-211-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-58715-211-5
Release Date: Spring 2000

Threnody The Fire Dogs of Balustrade
The Spheres Beyond Sound The Horrible Legacy of Dr. Jacob Asberry
Fugue Devil The Gray House
The Devil's Eye S
Spiritual Radio The Herald at Midnight
Sabbath of the Black Goat  Misfits, or A New Arrival at Paradise Lost
To Be as They .


"Because of the sense of unity Rainey creates, The Last Trumpet is a well-polished midnight read that draws the reader along the way a novel might. His short stories certainly give a jolt to the readers."
The Greensboro News & Record

"The Last Trumpet is creepy stuff...with an apocalyptic ending that makes Night of the Living Dead pale in comparison."
The Roanoke Times

"Since the outset, Stephen Mark Rainey's work has established itself as very original and highly readable. Wildside Press has produced this beautiful set of 13 tales, with 200 pages of rural atmosphere, ghostly revelation, tension, and terror set in Rainey's fictional Sylvan county region of Southwestern Virginia. Quality writing in a strikingly illustrated cover. The Last Trumpet is something you do not want to be without — an absolute must have for any collector."
—Peter A. Worthy, The Deep Ones Speak

The Last Trumpet should be required reading for any college class introducing Lovecraft to students, a sublime example of literary expertise with a direct injection of proper influence, but the storytelling style in itself is uniquely that of a talent whose grasp upon the craft is exemplary...and Rainey has enough of this kind of stuff under his sleeve to make a lifelong fan of any reader longing for vivid terror and consistently damn good screams."
Nicholas Grabowski, Nick Reads and Reviews

"If you enjoy horror fiction, then you must buy The Last Trumpet. You won't be disappointed, unless you don't like having gooseflesh creep up your spine, or the hairs on the back of your neck rise as you read some of the finest horror stories to come out in many a year."
James Robert Smith, author of
The Flock

Great fun to be The Last Rainey delivers the goods. There are heads torn from shoulders, huge half-seen forms slithering at the edges of forests, things in the basement and more. Be sure to read it alone at home in the dead of night and listen very closely—you may be able to hear the buzzing voices and music from beyond.
Paul Darcy, Reader's Den

Stephen Mark Rainey is author of the novels Dark Shadows: Dreams of the Dark (with Elizabeth Massie), Balak, The Lebo Coven, Blue Devil Island, and The Nightmare Frontier; the short story collections Fugue Devil & Other Weird Horrors, The Last Trumpet, Legends of the Night, and Other Gods; and over 100 works of short fiction. He achieved questionable infamy and absolutely no fortune as editor of Deathrealm magazine, and has edited the anthologies Deathrealms, Song of Cthulhu, and Evermore (with James Robert Smith).

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