At the Heart of All Legends...
...lies a sense of wonder. The perception of awe-inspiring power.
The recognition of something larger than life. Legends of the Night spawns new myths, dreams, fables, and nightmares; all larger than life, all brimming with the power that can only be found in the merging of the legendary with the contemporary. From the frigid skies above the war-torn Europe of 1918, to shadow-haunted catacombs of futuristic Los Angeles... from the exotic, tropical jungles of the south Pacific in 1942, to medieval Scottish moors ruled by the fighting machines of H. G. Wells's dreaded Martian Stephen Mark Rainey presents a collection of tales that both embrace the power of ancient myth and celebrate the intensity of today's most vivid storytelling. |
Legends of the Night
By Stephen Mark Rainey
Publisher: Wildside ISBNs:
978-1-58715-300-6 (Hardback)
978-1-43443-001-4 (Paperback)
Release Date:
Spring 2002 (Hardback)
December 2010 (Paperback
Trade Paperback:


Contents: |
Before the Red Star Falls
Stalker of the Wild Wind
Somewhere, My Love
Orchestra |
Petey in La-La Land
Now I Lay Me Down to Dream
The Forgiven
Angels of the Mist
Vita Terra
The Children of Burma
A bout LEGENDS OF THE NIGHT..."Afficionados of the weird, fantastic, and horrible have come to expect well-crafted, disturbing tales from Stephen Mark Rainey, and the stories in Legends of the Night will surely not disappoint his fans. Deliciously spooky stuff!" — Caitlin R. Kiernan Author of Silk and Threshold
"Stephen Mark Rainey's works are of the most disturbing and lasting kind. He takes us by the hand, leads us into a world that looks familiar, then rips open the seams around us and reveals the hideous possibilities that lie just a hair's breadth away. He gives us the lurking darkness, the scrabbling monsters that haunt our midnight, waking hours. Rainey is a nightmare-weaver." —
Elizabeth Massie Bram Stoker award-winning author of Sineater, Welcome Back to the Night, and Wire Mesh Mothers
"Stephen Mark Rainey has one of those slow voices that slides up from deep inside and lulls his readers into a false sense of security, just before coiling his words around them and stealing their breath. The spirit of H. P. Lovecraft lives on as dark shapes take form in the shadows of our minds and the question resurfaces — what is real, and what lies beyond?" — David Niall Wilson Author of This is My Blood, Star Trek Voyager: Chrysalis, and
Except You Go Through Shadow
sample story from
Legends of the Night
the Red Star Falls"
"Before the Red Star Falls" is a
prequel to H. G. Wells's novel, War of the Worlds,
set in medieval Scotland. In the heat of battle, English and
Scottish knights find themselves facing a vanguard of Martian
invaders, forcing them to cast aside their own differences and
pool their resources against an enemy whose technology is so
advanced—so baffling—that it appears to the knights as Satanic
magic. Check out "Before the Red Star Falls," for
Mark Rainey is author of the
Shadows: Dreams of the Dark (with
Elizabeth Massie),
Lebo Coven,
Blue Devil Island, and
The Nightmare
Frontier; the short story collections
Devil & Other Weird Horrors,
Last Trumpet,
of the Night, and
Other Gods; and over 100 works of short
fiction. He achieved questionable infamy and absolutely no fortune as editor of
Deathrealm magazine, and has edited the anthologies
Song of Cthulhu, and
Evermore (with James Robert Smith). |