Homecoming to Horror...

After a ten-year absence, Barry Riggs returns to his hometown of Aiken Mill, Virginia, in search of his brother, Matt, who has mysteriously disappeared. Not only is the younger Riggs missing, but his house has been ransacked—and branded with the strange word “LEBO,” painted in blood on the bedroom wall. Faced with a local sheriff whose efforts to solve the crime are less than devoted, Barry sets out on his own to discover the truth. He meets a number of locals he had known in his youth, including a young woman named Jennifer Brand, whom he had once treated with contempt because she suffered from a repulsive, crippling affliction. After some awkward moments, the two become friends, and together they begin to unravel the mystery of Matt’s disappearance. Certain locals suggest that the name “LEBO” holds certain, ominous significance, but no one will so much as whisper its meaning. Barry eventually encounters a mysterious character who goes by the name of Ren—a reputed Satan worshipper. As Barry and Jennifer unravel the clues, they learn that all is far from what it appears—and that dark, inhuman forces are certainly at work.

Note: The Lebo Coven is now out of print. I have a select few copies available, autographed, for $25.00, postage paid. When they're gone, they're gone! Order by Paypal for an instant purchase. For other payment options, email the author using the Contact button to the left of the main page.

The Lebo Coven
By Stephen Mark Rainey
Publisher: Thomson Gale/Five Star
Format: Hardcover, 271 pages
ISBN-10: 1-59414-227-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-59414-227-7
Retail Price: $25.95
Release Date: July 9, 2004

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The Lebo Coven
today. $25.00, shipping included!

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Remarks About The Lebo Coven:

"This former editor of the legendary horror magazine, Deathrealm, has written a novel of supernatural terror worthy of his esteemed literary reputation. The Lebo Coven seethes with darkness from the first page and surges forward in a pulse-pounding pace to the very end. This is a thrilling tale, custom-made for a dark and stormy night, that will keep you flipping pages until you've reached the slam-dunk, knock-your-socks-off climax."
—J. L. Comeau, Count Gore de Vol Presents Creature Features

"Stephen Mark Rainey’s characters are believable in their fear, their doubt, and their strength. The Lebo Coven , with its edginess and speculation as to the supernatural elements of this story, will ensure the reader’s interest. It’s eerie enough to keep the pages turning until the mystery is unraveled. Magick, danger, suspense, murder, tragedy, love, hope, forgiveness...it’s all here. Chances are, readers will think about The Lebo Coven with a shiver long after they’ve read the last word."
—Joyce Menyasz, Romance Reviews Today

"...Rainey gives his horrors an original cosmic twist...A few twists and a well-executed climax raise The Lebo Coven above more routine horror fare."
Publishers Weekly

"The Lebo Coven
 is a traditional horror novel...the writing is smooth, the characters are believable, and the action is swift and lethal. Stephen Mark Rainey takes the time to develop and explain some occult background, but this does not detract from the quick pace and straightforward style of the novel. The Lebo Coven is a strong, very entertaining work. Highly recommended."
—David Niall Wilson, Cemetery Dance

"This chilling novel by one of Greensboro's most prolific writers contains as many bumps in the night as a Stephen King novel... Ominous messages and a gruesome murder add to the intrigue... Rainey knows how to squeeze suspense from every occurence."
—Sandra Redding, The Greensboro News & Record

"If readers are looking for a compelling read that will entice them in, making them eager to see how the story will end, then read The Lebo Coven. It's well written, with a strong plot and stronger characters. It is sure to tempt even the most particular of horror aficionados."
—Kelley Hartsell, Love Romances

Author Stephen Mark Rainey has crafted a tight, fast-paced horror novel that never becomes slow or boring. If you like occult stories with creepy happenings and enough humanity thrown in to keep things grounded, then...I highly recommend The Lebo Coven.
—BQueen, HorrorWatch

Stephen Mark Rainey is author of the novels Dark Shadows: Dreams of the Dark (with Elizabeth Massie), Balak, The Lebo Coven, Blue Devil Island, and The Nightmare Frontier; the short story collections Fugue Devil & Other Weird Horrors, The Last Trumpet, Legends of the Night, and Other Gods; and over 100 works of short fiction. He achieved questionable infamy and absolutely no fortune as editor of Deathrealm magazine, and has edited the anthologies Deathrealms, Song of Cthulhu, and Evermore (with James Robert Smith).

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