"God of Byzantium"
Aberations magazine (1991)
"The Forgiven"
Robert Bloch's Psychos (Pocket Books,1997)
Legends of the Night (Wiidside, 2001)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
"The Grim"
Noctulpa magazine (1989)
"La Vita Terra"
Nocturne magazine (1990)
Legends of the Night (Wiidside, 2001)
"Symphonia Maledictus"
Dagger of the Mind magazine (1990)
Eldritch Tales magazine (1990)
"Deep Wood"
The Silver Web magazine (1990)
100 Creepy Little Creature Stories (B&N Books, 1994)
"Spiritual Radio"
Chills magazine (1992)
The Last Trumpet (Wildside, 2000)
"New Order"
Deathrealm magazine (1990)
Midnight Zoo magazine (1991)
Quick Chills (Scream Factory Books, 1992)
The Last Trumpet (Wildside, 2000)
"The Last Trumpet"
Limited Infinity magazine (1991)
"Canvas Haunts"
Sinistre (Noctulpa) magazine (1993)
"In the Wake of Obsession"
Midnight Zoo magazine (1994)
"The Scorching"
Thin Ice magazine (1993)
Best of the Midwest (ESA Books, 1993)
The Earth Strikes Back (Zeising Books, 1994; CD Publications, 1994)
"Return of the Navigator"
Fugue Devil & Other Weird Horrors (Macabre Ink, 1992)
"Of Cyclopean Spheres"
The Tome magazine (1990)
"Petey in La-La Land"
Nightside magazine (1992)
Legends of the Night (Wiidside, 2001)
"Priests of the Raven"
The Tome magazine (1992)
The End magazine (1993)
Monk Punk Omnibus (Dark Discoveries, 2015)
"Charon's Wings"
Fugue Devil & Other Weird Horrors (Macabre Ink, 1992)
"Fugue Devil"
Fugue Devil & Other Weird Horrors (Macabre Ink, 1992)
The Last Trumpet (Wildside, 2000)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
Fugue Devil Resurgence (Black Raven Books, 2022)
"The Weird Violet"
Fugue Devil & Other Weird Horrors (Macabre Ink, 1992)
"The Last Show at Verdi's Supper Club"
After Hours magazine (1992"
Song of Cthulhu (Chaosium, 2001)
The Year in Darkness Calendar (1992)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
"The Devils of Tuckahoe Gorge"
Midnight Zoo magazine (1994)
Dark Discoveries magazine (2006)
Bizarre Bazaar magazine (1992)
"The Herald at Midnight"
Not One of Us magazine (1992)
The Last Trumpet (Wildside, 2000)
"Deliverer in Darkness"
Bizarre Bazaar magazine (1993)
Deathport (Pocket Books, 1993)
Balak novel (Wildside, 2000)
"Before the Red Star Falls"
Terminal Fright magazine (1994)
Legends of the Night (Wildside, 2001)
"Stalker of the Wild Wind"
Terminal Fright magazine (1993)
The Ithaqua Cycle (Chaosium, 1999)
Legends of the Night (Wildside, 2001)
"Circus Bizarre"
Bizarre Bazaar magazine (1994)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
"Moving Pictures, Still Life"
Dark Whispers (Hard Shell Word Factory, 1998)
In Delirium (Delirium Books, 2005)
"Sabbath of the Black Goat"
The Shub-Niggurath Cycle (Chaosium, 1994)
The Last Trumpet (Wildside, 2000)
"The Horrible Legacy of Jacob Rigney"
Midnight Shambler magazine (1998)
The Last Trumpet (Wildside, 2000 [as "The Horrible Legacy of Jacob Asberry"])
The Lebo Coven novel (Five Star Books, 2004; Crossroad Press, 2010)
Deathrealm magazine (1997)
Love in Vein II (HarperCollins,1997)
Legends of the Night (Wildside, 2001)
The Azathoth Cycle (Chaosium, 1996 [as "The Pit of Shoggoths")
The Last Trumpet (Wildside, 2000)
"Angels of the Mist"
100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories (B&N Books,1995)
Legends of the Night (Wildside, 2001)
"Somewhere, My Love"
100 Wicked Little Witch Stories (B&N Books,1995)
Legends of the Night (Wildside, 2001)
Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show (Wildside, 2009)
Fugue Devil Resurgence (Black Raven Books, 2022)
"White Mother of the Forest"
Extremes (Lone Wolf Books,1995)
"On the Threshold of Beyond"
Whitley Streiber's Aliens (Pocket Books,1998)
"To Be as They"
Miskatonic University (DAW, 1996)
The Last Trumpet (Wildside, 2000)
Sex Macabre (DAW, 1996)
"Now I Lay Me Down to Dream"
Terminal Frights (Terminal Fright Books, 1997)
Legends of the Night (Wildside, 2001)
Shroud magazine (2008)
Cemetery Dance magazine (1997)
The Best of Cemetery Dance (CD Books, 1997)
Legends of the Night (Wildside, 2001)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
"The Devil's Eye"
Midnight Shambler magazine (1997)
The Last Trumpet (Wildside, 2000)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
Fugue Devil Resurgence (Black Raven Books, 2022)
"Field Dressing"
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
365 Scary Stories (B&N Books, 1998)
"Shudder Wyrm"
Singers of Strange Songs (Chaosium,1997)
"The Mirror in the Attic"
"The Fire Dogs of Balustrade"
New Mythos Legends (Marietta Publishing, 1999)
The Last Trumpet (Wildside, 2000)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
Eros Ex Machina (Masquerade Books, 1997)
Legends of the Night (Wildside, 2001)
October Dreams (CD Books, 2000)
Legends of the Night (Wildside, 2001)
"Free Sample"
The Conspiracy Files (Pocket Books, 1998)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
Song of Cthulhu anthology (Chaosium, 2001)
Dark Shadows: Dreams of the Dark novel (with Elizabeth Massie; HarperCollins, 1999)
"The Children of Burma"
The Spook magazine (2001)
Legends of the Night (Wildside, 2001)
A House Divided novel (with Elizabeth Massie; Tor Books, 2000)
The Last Trumpet collection (Wildside, 2000)
"Epiphany: A Flying Tiger's Story"
Dead But Dreaming (DarkTales Books, 2001)
Dark Homage series (Delirium Books, 2004)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
"The Sparklers"
The Spook magazine (2002)
"The Jack-o'-Lantern Memoirs"
Octoberland (Flesh & Blood Books, 2002)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
Legends of the Night collection (Wildside, 2001)
Blue Devil Island novel (Five Star Books, 2007; Marietta Press, 2012; Crossroad Press, 2015)
Dark Shadows: The Labyrinth of Souls novel (Damned Rodan, 2002)
"The Lake of Shadows"
Book of Dark Wisdom magazine (2006)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
"Shapes in the Illusive Night"
Inhuman magazine (2009)
"Terror From Middle Island" (with G. Durant Haire)
Book of Dark Wisdom magazine (2006)
Frontier Cthulhu (Elder Signs Press, 2007)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
"The Violet Princess"
Eldritch Blue (Lindisfarne Press, 2004)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
Deathrealms anthology (Delirium Books, 2004)
"LZ-116: Das Fliegenschloss"
Shivers 4 (CD Books, 2006)
"The Transformer of Worlds"
Daikaiju (Agog Press, 2005)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
The Nightmare Frontier novel (Sarob Press, 2006; Crossroad Press, 2010)
Evermore anthology (with James Robert Smith; Arkham House, 2006)
"Other Gods"
Cemetery Dance magazine (2006)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
"A Tale of the Terrible Dead"
Doorways magazine (2007)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
"The Gaki"
Cemetery Dance magazine (2008)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
"Sky of Thunder, Island of Blood"
Amazon Shorts (2006)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
"Up From the Underground"
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
"The Spiders of Galley Cove"
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
"Contact" (with John Pelan)
Black Wings IV (PS Publishing, 2016)
"The Ghost Lens"
Horrors Beyond II (Elder Signs Press, 2007)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
"Messages From a Dark Deity"
Return of the Old Ones (Dark Regions, 2016)
The Monarchs novel (Crossroad Press, 2012)
High Seas Cthulhu (Elder Signs Press, 2007)
Other Gods (Dark Regions, 2008)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
"Demon Jar"
HorrorWorld online magazine (2008)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
Darker Discoveries (Dark Discoveries, 2008)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
The Best of Dark Discoveries (Dark Regions, 2016)
Other Gods collection (Dark Regions, 2008)
"This Old House"
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
Dark Shadows: The Path of Fate audio drama (Big Finish, 2008)
"Black Tom"
Northern Haunts (Shroud Publishing, 2009)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
"Iron Heart"
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits (Dark Regions, 2011)
Dark Shadows: Curse of the Pharaoh audio drama (Big Finish, 2009)
Dark Shadows: Blood Dance audio drama (Big Finish, 2009)
"A Wreath of Clouds" (with David Niall Wilson)
Joined at the Muse (Crossroad Press/Macabre Ink, 2009)
The Gaki & Other Hungry Spirits collection (Dark Regions, 2011)
"Beneath the Pier"
Lovecraft eZine (2013)
"The Warlords of Leng"
Secret Asia's Blackest Heart (Timaios Press, 2021)
"The End of Henry Switch Road"
Dark Discoveries magazine (2012)
"The Danforth Project"
The Mountains of Madness (Celaeno Press, 2015)
"The Gods of Moab"
Amazon.com Kindle Direct Publishing (2012)
"Ecstasy of the Gold"
Lovecraft eZine (2012)
Lore magazine (2012)
"Dark Decades, Dark Shadows"
Dark Discoveries magazine (2013)
"The Game Changers"
World War Cthulhu (Dark Regions, 2014)
"The Finagling Doom"
Lovecraft eZine Silly Endings Contest (2014)
"When Jarly Calls"
Fugue Devil Resurgence (Black Raven Books, 2022)
"Masque of the Queen"
In the Court of the Yellow King (Celaeno Press, 2014)
Fugue Devil Resurgence (Black Raven Books, 2022)
"Short Wave"
The Summer of Lovecraft (Chaosium, 2019)
Fugue Devil Resurgence (Black Raven Books, 2022)
"Red Rage"
Christmas Horror (Dark Regions, 2015)
"The Nothing"
Buzzy Mag (Buzzy Multimedia, 2016)
Young Blood novel (The Smith Brothers, 2016)
"The Crimson Wood"
Fugue Devil Resurgence (Black Raven Books, 2022)
Dark Regions Kickstarter Custom (Dark Regions, 2016)
Test Patterns (Planet X Publications, 2017)
"The Diaries of Henry P. Linklatter"
Through a Mythos Darkly (PS Publishing, 2017)
"Arachnid Alley (or How I Learned to Stop Screaming and Love the Spider"
Great Personal Stories of Geocaching Firsts (New Frontier Books, 2016)
Uchronia (Aurelio Press*)
Borderlands 7 (Borderlands Press, 2021)
"Willow Bend"
Voices From the Darkness (Dark Regions*)
"The Veil of Dreams"
Tails of Terror (Golden Goblin Press, 2018)
Tales From Arkham Sanitarium (Golden Goblin Press*)
"Hell's Hollow"
Fugue Devil Resurgence (Black Raven Books, 2022)
"Pons Devana"
Fugue Devil Resurgence (Black Raven Books, 2022)
"Night Crier"
34Orchard magazine (2020)
Ameri-Scares West Virginia: Lair of the Mothman novel (Crossroad Press, 2019)
Ameri-Scares Michigan: The Dragon of Lake Superior novel (Crossroad Press, 2020)
Black Labyrinth: Possession (Dark Regions*)
Ameri-Scares Ohio: Fear the Grassman! novel (Crossroad Press, 2020)
Ameri-Scares New Hampshire: Ghosts From the Skies novel (Crossroad Press, 2021)
"The Devil Flies in Strix"
Ameri-Scares Georgia: The Haunting of Tate's Mill novel (Crossroad Press, 2022)
Fugue Devil Resurgence collection (Black Raven Books, 2022)
The Weird Cat (WordCrafts Press, 2023)
Deathrealm: Spirits (Shortwave Publishing, 2023)
"The House at Black Tooth Pond"
Shunned Houses (WordCrafts Press, 2024*)
The House at Black Tooth Pond novel (TBA, Crossroad Press, 2024*)
"Throatwarbler Meets the Vampire"
Eldritch Force (Weird House Publishing, 2024*)
Hospital of Haunts (Watertower Hill Publishing, 2024*)
The Witch (WordCrafts Press, 2024*)
Stephen Mark Rainey is author of the novels Dark Shadows: Dreams of the Dark (with Elizabeth Massie), Balak, The Lebo Coven, Blue Devil Island, and The Nightmare Frontier; the short story collections Fugue Devil & Other Weird Horrors, The Last Trumpet, Legends of the Night, and Other Gods; and others; plus over 100 works of short fiction. He achieved questionable infamy and absolutely no fortune as editor of Deathrealm magazine, and has edited the anthologies Deathrealms, Song of Cthulhu, and Evermore (with James Robert Smith). |